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Next February 12, Cuatro Lunas, directed by Sergio Tovar Velarde, commercial billboard reaches theaters throughout Mexico after a successful tour of international festivals and after having won awards in places like Montreal, Monterrey, Quito and Fort Lauderdale, among others.

The film consists of four stories of characters at different times of life, struggling to cope with their homosexuality: A secretly in love with his cousin guy; two university seeking to start a relationship dealing with the fear of social rejection; a couple of years is in danger after the arrival of a third party and an old man obsessed with a young prostitute. All are stories about the search for love and freedom despite a homophobic environment and repressor.

The distribution of Four Moons amalgam actors of the new generation with some of the greats of Mexican cinema: Echánove Alonso, Juan Manuel Bernal, Monica Dionne, Karina Gidi, Alberto Estrella, Marta Aura and Alejandro de la Madrid, César Ramos, Gustavo Egelhaaf, Jorge Luis Moreno, Hugo Catalan, Spanish Gabriel Santoyo and Antonio Velázquez part of the deal. The film also features guest appearances by the likes of Luis Arrieta, José Ángel Bichir, Ricardo Polanco, Alejandra Law and singer Astrid Hadad, among others.

The tape comes to commercial billboard surrounded by rave reviews from some of the most important and influential media: The New York Times described the film as «An energetic and sensitive portrait of young gay men in Mexico in the 21st century» , while OUT magazine, the most important in the world gay magazine named the best film of the year, saying it is «a universal master (…) work the best, and moving film of the year».

The film opens in theaters across Mexico in February under the seal of Alfhaville Cinema, responsible for the distribution of films such as «Hell» or «perfect dictatorship» company. The tour, which has been called Cuatro Lunas National Tour 2015 will include stops in cities such as Mexico, Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Merida, Cuernavaca, Tepic, Leon, Chihuahua, Morelia and Toluca, among others.


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